We’re a nonprofit organization that has focused since 1967 in caring for children and youth who are deaf or have speech or learning challenges. We carry out our work thanks to the support of foundations, companies and people who nobly support our cause. Since its inception, the IPPLIAP has cared for more than 4,000 children, most of whom come from low-income families who wouldn’t be able to pay for the services they receive.
At IPPLIAP we’ve developed specific programs to comprehensively care for deaf children or those who have speech or learning difficulties.
A large number of deaf people in Mexico don’t achieve, in the conditions they’re being tended to, efficient language development that allows them to fulfill their basic communicative needs, or an educational level that corresponds to their abilities.
The IPPLIAP’s goal is to teach preschool and elementary grade children with the authorization, or the official acknowledgement as dictated by the General Education Law. The institution is a nonprofit organization with beneficiaries in every activity it carries out with low-income people, sectors and regions; indigenous communities and groups made vulnerable by their age, sex or disabilities. It aims to carry out the following activities: a) Social orientation, education or training for work. Social orientation relates to family, education, nutrition, work and health matters. b) Contribution of services to care for social groups with disabilities.
To educate children and youth who are deaf or have speech or learning challenges, regardless of their economic situation, to contribute to their dignified integration into society.
Being an institution that’s engaged, sustainable and a model to others, that grants its population an opportunity to develop and be part of an inclusive and renowned community that stands out because of its quality, commitment, warmth, results and imprint it leaves in the children and youth that benefit from its services
Service attitude
We offer our quality services with warmth to every person who requires them
We’re committed to the mission defined by our founders and with the objectives of each one of our programs
Our actions are always honest, and we transparently administer the institution’s resources, carefully assigning them to our operations.
We know the carefulness that goes into daily work with the children and youth we’re responsible for. We’re mindful of ensuring their integrity and respecting their human rights.
We generate a respectful and kind environment that’s an example for our students and their families. Our goal is for them to see and develop harmonious relationships that peacefully resolve conflicts and respect everyone’s dignity.
In 1967, the mother of a deaf child and a group of specialized teachers organized a Non-Profit Organization to aid deaf and speech impaired children, regardless of their economic situation. This is how the Pedagogical Institute for Speech Impairment (IPPLAC) was born. In addition, they tasked themselves with the creation of a training program for teachers that was approved by the Faculty of Education of the University of the Americas. Although the first phase of the implementation was carried out at the IPPLAC (until 1973), it was later implemented at the University and coordinated by one of our founders for quite some time.
In 1981, the directors of the institute decided to transition to a Private Assistance Institution, which would be known as IPPLIAP. Until the year 1990, IPPLIAP operated as a clinic that offered specialized therapy on an individual basis to address specific difficulties and extracurricular support.
Following a survey done on deaf children that had received speech therapy at the IPPLIAP during its first years of operation, IPPLIAP decided in 1992 to undergo a paradigmatic shift in its approach to deaf children and decided to initiate a Preschool and Primary School Program for Deaf Children in which children would receive access to quality education dependent on their abilities, and focused on the rights of the hearing impaired. The program offered access without restrictions to Mexican Sign Language, and an education.
Additionally, IPPLIAP continued to offer specialized assistance to children with language and learning disabilities (PALA Program). Since 1996, in line with social learning theory, individual and therapeutic methods transitioned to small, extra-curricular group workshops, which significantly increased the number of students using this service.
To amplify the impact of the program, we started a program in 2005 to train teachers and deaf children nationwide: SEÑALEES.
At IPPLIAP, our services are available thanks to the generous support of individuals, businesses, and foundations.
IPPLIAP offers its services as a result of the following income streams:
The board of the IPPLIAP is comprised of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 10 additional members. The group is distinguished by its commitment to the community and participates honorably in at least four meetings throughout the year in which they review governance measures as well as maintain accounting measures both within and outside of the institution.
IPPLIAP has built and consolidated a professional working team, specialized and highly competitive in each of its programs and services. Every member of the team possesses the experience and necessary professional preparation to achieve the group’s yearly goals.
Proxy Of funds
Emilio Puertas
Institutional Liaison
Araceli Estrada
Administrative team
Gabriela Aburto
Laura Mendoza
Maricela Núñez
Gabriela Ocampo
Agustín Santos
Direction / Area Coordinations
Katia Aguilar
Marina Fernández
Laura Regis
Adriana Rodríguez
Teaching Team
Aurora Carreño
Vanessa Castañeda
Carolina Castañón
Lorena Chora
Valeria Contreras
Aditia Cortés
Ma. Ángela Farre
Carmen Francisco
Marcela Gómez
Alejandra González Andrea Guerra
Karen Jiménez
Ana María Martínez
Raquel Meza
Verónica Miranda
Eloisa Pérez
Daniela Ponce
Ana Saled Reyes
Yanet Romero
Hilda Sánchez
Anahí Silva
Supporting services
Ma. Dolores Pamplona
IPPLIAP has sought out and achieved STRATEGIC ALLIANCES that have allowed it to enrich its endeavor (offering practice for its students in swimming, and soccer); implement inclusionary programs for deaf students in the school, and advise institutions to carry out these programs; obtain scholarships to guarantee that deaf and underprivileged students can continue their middle and higher education, and open doors for the deaf community in working life.
Alberca Olímpica y Fundación Cantera, offer swim and soccer classes on a continuous basis to our deaf students, encouraging sports and a healthy lifestyle; with DONARTE we offer the opportunity to develop their artistic skills; with Favorecer para Crecer, we offer workshops for mothers and fathers that foster them better resources for raising their sons and daughters. Similarly, we have established alliances to guarantee relevant information for the deaf, such as the alliance with Fundación Ambar, that resulted in the translation of informative Mexican Sign Language videos for prevention of addiction, and with Realidad Alternativa (an inclusive podcast). In conjunction with Fundación BBVA we nominate deaf candidates to receive scholarships through the program Chavos que inspiran (ensuring their educational path up to university level), as well as young candidates and deaf adults for programs for workforce inclusion. With Hablarte e Integrarte AC, we share our facilities to offer intensive therapy to children with cleft palates that come from diverse parts of the city and adjacent states.
For its professionalism and quality of its services, IPPLIAP has been granted various awards and recognition:
Plural + 2011, Igualada Association Award and Prize of the Red Latinoamericana y Caribeña (UNIAL) in the Havana Film Festival:
El mundo que queremos
Plural + 2017 INTERNATIONAL JURY AWARD and Plural + 2017 Partners, Cinh India:
Eliminating hate, eliminating barriers, and the Plural + 2017 Partners, Cinh ndia
Plural+ 2018 Reza Visual Academy Award Winner: Enough to the war in Syria! y una Mención Honorífica en el Peace in the Streets Festival 2018.
Plural + 2021 & Paley Center Award: ¿Y tú qué harías?
Honorable Mention via video: We are different, we are respectful (Somos diversos, convivimos y nos respetamos) also picked for the Children’s Film Festival of Seattle
Plural + 2022 & ACTFL by video Sorry is not enough/Pedir perdón no es suficiente
Granted by the Library of Congress of the United States of America
Year: 2018
Grandted by the Merced Foundation
Year: 2017
For best practices for children and adolescents in Mexico. Granted by UNICEF
Year: 2013
We share IPPLIAP’s most important information and activities, for you who are interested in learning more about our work.
Deafness can be detected from when your child is very young.
Observe your baby, see how he responds to sound
If you are interested in consulting our audited financial statements, write to us at donativos@ippliap.edu.mx
Annual training seminars for teachers of deaf children (+6500 teachers trained) 80% Of former IPPLIAP’s graduate students who finished high school
Annual training seminars for teachers of deaf children (+6500 teachers trained) 80% Of former IPPLIAP’s graduate students who finished high school
Of deaf children who entered secondary school from primary school
Of deaf children who entered high school after finishing secondary school under the inclusion program